Romans 12:19, Vengeance Is Mine

Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

In working life, it is not uncommon during crisis time to shift responsibility, pass the bug, by finding a scapegoat whenever things go wrong. We may find ourselves unjustly blamed, accused, the mistake is not from us but we have to bear the consequences. As an admonition, do not take matters into our own hands and seek revenge ourselves.

The Bible tells us when our enemy thirst, give him drink, when he is hungry, gives him food. In this way, you provide a way for them to repent. God says vengeance is mine. But we are often quick to react, and that’s how war starts, our tendency is to overreact. We are taking vengeance without giving them an opportunity to repent whilst God desire not anyone to perish but all should come to repentance. Hence, the Lord is saying, leave it to Me, I will do it in My time. If we leave things to God, we will continue to pray. We leave it to God to do it in the right time and in right measure. Realize also that anyone that touches you touches “the apple of My eye”, the Lord says. The eye is the most sensitive part of the body. We are most precious before God this is the endearing term “his own elect” in verse 7. God is using your tribulation to work repentance in their hearts. Therefore, there is no need to take revenge. God will do so in His time. Continue to trust Him.

Jesus teaches us in Luke 18:1 that men ought always to pray, and not to faint. Prayer is the believer’s power with God. Persistence in prayer is not the natural habit of the believer. Jesus uses this parable of the persistent widow to teach this lesson. This parable encourages us to never stop praying even in the toughest of circumstances of injustice that we face. Our faith cannot be seen but our prayer life can be seen, it is evidence of true faith. It gives hope to the children of God who is going through any trouble, call upon Him and He will help you. He is always fair, always just, on our part, we must make sure we are on the Lord’s side.

This is the test of true faith. When we stop praying, we stop believing. When we pray, God gives us faith. Faith keeps us praying and praying strengthens our faith, paradoxical but true. This is the mysterious interplay of man’s responsibility and God’s sovereignty. May the Lord find us prayerful! May the Lord find us faithful! May we never give up but always hope in God, continue to trust Him no matter what the situation, for He is in control and He cares for you! Amen.