Romans 5:15, Giving Thanks for God’s Free Grace

Romans 5:15 But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

God’s free gift of salvation is through Jesus Christ. Sinful men bound for hell can find deliverance from spiritual and physical death. When Adam sinned, his posterity was plunged into perpetual misery. Death became a painful reality for all men. But in Jesus Christ, the curse of sin and death was lifted. All who trust in Jesus finds salvation.

It is God’s unique and special plan for the Second Person of the Godhead to take on a human body to be born as a man and yet fully God to bring salvation to fallen men. Jesus was not mere men. He was the sinless Son of God. The entire weight of men’s sin was upon Jesus when He hung on the cross to be the Substitute to bear the punishment for our sins. Jesus paid it all!

It is a truth worthy of our thanksgiving. Especially when we have been partakers of God’s free grace. Only in Christ can a man face the prospect of death with the certainty that absent in the body is present with the Lord. Death has lost its sting! We face death with hope. The hope of eternal life. This is God’s offer to you if you have not placed your trust in Jesus. Now is the time to come to Him.

You may pray this prayer: Father in heaven, thank You for sending Your Son Jesus Christ to die for my sins and to rise from the dead the third day so that I may receive Your forgiveness for my sins and live with You forever. I humbly repent of my sins and receive Jesus as my Saviour and Lord. Be merciful to save me! In Jesus name,  I pray, amen.