Romans 3:7-8, Doing Evil to Bring Good?

Romans 3:7-8 For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner? 8 And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just.

Although the nation of Israel has failed her Lord and the church has let her Christ down, God’s plan to save sinners has not been thwarted. He was able to bring forth light to dispel the darkness of an evil world. This has always been seen in God overruling the failures of men to accomplish His glory.

God raised Moses to rescue Israel out of slavery in Egypt. Moses killed an Egyptian in his rashness and had to flee Egypt. Is God praised by this murderous act? Certainly not! Moses had to learn how to rescue his people God’s way. He spent 40 years in the wilderness. God humbled him. When God finally called him to return to Egypt to free his people, he did it God’s way.

God has never willed that men accomplish His will by sinful means. Doing evil will not bring forth good. An corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit but a good tree will bring forth good fruit. It has not been the Apostle Paul’s mode of doing the gospel work by evil means. And yet, there are those who charge him of doing the gospel work by unlawful means. God forbid! It was a false accusation against the Apostle Paul. If he sins against God, he, likewise, will face God’s judgement! God’s sense of moral justice is not blurred. He must do so lawfully otherwise he faces God’s just judgement.

God entrusted Israel with His Law. Israel’s role was to learn it, live it and teach it to the other nations. If they lived like the nations of the world and failed to carry out the good principles taught in God’s Word, they too face God’s judgement. God give us His Word for our safety and prosperity. May we realise this and seek to know His Word, obey it, experience His blessing and share it with others. Amen.