Lord’s Day, Vol. 2 No. 30

(1) Turning to God from idols to serve the living and true God

1 Thessalonians 1:9 For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God;

On 23 March 2014, Jonathan Tang Meng Wei, his wife Jacqueline and their children Jovan and Janelle, and Meng Wei’s mother Mdm. Peh Choo Pun received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. The family has been coming for worship on the Lord’s Day, with Mdm. Peh attending the “Mandarin service” through the simultaneous translation of our worship service into Mandarin. Jovan and Janelle have been attending the children’s Sunday School faithfully.

On 19 July 2014, a simple dedication service was held at Meng Wei’s request, after the idols were removed from their home recently.

It is his desire that their home be set apart to the Lord. The hymn “Happy the Home When God is There” taken from the Revival Hymns & Choruses # 472 was sung.

Happy the home when God is there,
And love fills every breast,
When one their wish and one their prayer
And one their heavenly rest.

Happy the home where Jesus’ name
Is sweet to every ear,
When children early list His fame
And parents hold Him dear.

Happy the home where Jesus’ name
Is sweet to every ear,
When parents love the sacred Word,
And all its wisdom prize.

Lord, let us in our homes agree
This blessed peace to gain;
Unite our hearts in love to Thee,
And love to all will reign.

Quoting from “The Pastor’s Handbook” (KJV) for the dedication of their home, articulating God’s desire for the family – “We are assembled to dedicate this dwelling to God as a Christian home. It is our hope and faith that it will be a place of happiness, adding to life’s meaning for all who shall call it “home”.

The home is the first institution God our Father established for His children. Before the church and before any form of civil government, the home is a divine institution. Love is the first bond which linked human lives together, and the home is its expression. The home becomes the nursery of true faith, of education, of culture, of beauty, of civilization. In all the course of history, the home is still the greatest of human institutions and the most visible expression of the presence of God.

The home is where we find protection from the elements, where food is prepared for nourishment and where beds are provided for rest from the weary tasks of life. The home is also a symbol of the heavenly home that our Lord has gone to prepare for all who are redeemed by Him. We have “a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens” (2 Corinthians 5:1) prepared for us.”

Psalm 127:1 “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” We are to build our home upon the principles of the Bible. Such a home will stand strong amidst the vicissitudes of life.

We spoke to Meng Wei’s father who is housebound. He told us that he used to go to church in his youthful days. He was given a Chinese Bible recently and has been reading it. Please pray that the Lord will save him by His grace.

The following is Meng Wei’s testimony for your encouragement – “Some time ago I had a stroke due to bleeding in the brain – hemorrhagic stroke. As a result, I could not move my left arm, had no control over my fingers and had frequent cramped and painful fingers. It happened on the 8th of March 2014 after midnight. The only memory I had before I woke up was to tell my wife to let me go, do not ask for medical assistance. At that time, I was still not a believer but had studied God’s words due to personal interest. I am blessed enough that I have a good friend Richard Yeo and his family who earnestly prayed for me, shared his faith with us and eventually with Preacher Lek’s guidance, my family accepted Christ.

Personally, I experienced how my heavenly Father answered my prayer that eventful day. I prayed to my Father in heaven to give me the power to review what had happened that night and my prayer was answered over my dream and the event tallied when I spoke to my wife about it. The dream was so real and it was that answered prayer that strengthen my faith and made my choice so much easier when asked by Preacher Lek if I would accept Christ as my personal Saviour.

From that day onwards, I thank God everyday that it was me who got this stroke and not any other person in my family because it was very tough to overcome this sickness. I believe there is a reason for it and it might be now that I am writing this testimony, to inspire non-believers to Christianity. Everyday I look to God and pray for my healing. And, day-by-day, I am recovering. I am now able to walk with a walking stick and with minimum assistance. God is indeed powerful and merciful.

I am so much better now and my life is filled with greater joy as compared to a few months back. God has indeed answered my prayer. I am writing this testimony to you with tears of joy. I don’t know how to thank God but to just serve Him forever.”

Please pray for Meng Wei and his family as they embark on the Basic Bible Knowledge (BBK) class to prepare themselves for baptism in accordance with Christ’s holy commandment. Classes begin next Lord’s Day.

(2) Blessed Hope Devotions begin on 1 August 2014

By the grace of God, JC Ryle’s Expository Thoughts of the Gospel of Mark, has been extracted and edited and will be placed on our website from 1 August 2014 as a daily reading for individual and family devotions. It is our prayer and desire that the other 3 Gospels – Matthew, Luke and John, will be made available in due time.

There is great moral and spiritual value in the devotional study of the life, work, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. May it spiritually illumine and refresh all readers. JC Ryle has written these devotionals that it “may be useful to heads of families in the conduct of family prayers…and aid all readers of the Bible in the private study of God’s Word.”

Please pray for this holy endeavour for His glory. Amen.

Yours lovingly in Christ,
Pr. Lek Aik Wee