Lord’s Day, Vol. 2 No. 20

(1) Evangelism

Thank God for Rev. Dr. Tow Siang Hwa, our pastoral advisor, who shared God’s Word with us on evangelism last Lord’s Day. The following is an outline of his message based on Matthew 28:18-20:

  1. Era of “Son of Man”
    12 Disciples gathered
    – Death
    – Resurrection
    – Ascension

“Now preparing for us a place” (John 14:1-3)

  1. Era of the Holy Spirit Evangelise by
    – speaking, preaching
    – tracting
    – inviting
    – helping with transport
    – living a Christian life


  1. Era of the King Jesus reigns

We must work (evangelise) while it is still day for the night cometh when no man can work. As a body of Christ, we must all strive to live the Christian life. This is key. We are to actively speak a word for Jesus, reaching out by tracting, inviting and helping with transport to bring our friends and loved ones to church. May the Lord send us forth by His Spirit’s power. Our closing hymn was “Speak Just a Word for Jesus.” These are the words of the hymn for your encouragement.

Speak just a word for Jesus,
Tell how He died for you;
Often repeat the story,
Wonderful, glad and true!

Speak just a word,
Ever to Him be true;
Speak just a word,
Tell what He’s doing for you!

Speak just a word for Jesus,
Tell how He helps you live;
Tell of the strength and comfort
Which He will freely give!

Speak just a word for Jesus,
Do not for others wait;
Gladly proclaim the message
Soon it will be too late!

Speak just a word for Jesus,
Why should you doubt or fear?
Surely His love will bless it;
Some one will gladly hear.

Speak just a word for Jesus,
Tell of His love for men!
Some one distressed may listen,
Willing to trust Him then.

(2) Charity rejoiceth in the truth(1 Corinthians 13:6b)

God’s love and His truth harmonise well. God’s love is the fulfilment of His truth. The ultimate truth of God’s love is that He sent forth His Son, fully God and yet fully man, to save sinful men such as us. Jesus is God’s only way of salvation for all mankind! Love leads to rejoicing in the truth because it is safety and it is salvation. One who has true biblical love will not hesitate to declare God’s truth though the unacquainted heart may not appreciate it.

Biblical love enables the Christian father to discipline his son. He instructs, corrects and chastises his son who has erred from the truth. It grieves the father when he has to correct his son but he knows that it will help his son to walk aright again. It will do his son good for the discipline, by the grace of God, will cause him to repent from his waywardness.

There is a Spirit-enabled gladness when we embrace God’s Word because the Christian’s awakened conscience yearns for holiness. He gladly hearkens to the truth because it cleanses his sinful heart. He lovesGod’s ways and God’s people. He loves the Lord’s Day and is willing to work for six days and rest on theSabbath. He will not forsake theSabbath rest for the sake of earning that extra dollar. He trusts God to provide for his needs in those six days that he works. True love comes with an innate joy to obey the truth, to live by the truth.

Dear readers, pray that we would obey the truth with gladness. Such joy begets more joy. May our Christian walk grow from strength to strength as we constantly and continually seek to grow in God’s love and in His truth in every aspect of our living. Amen.

Yours lovingly
Pr Lek Aik Wee