Lord’s Day, Vol. 2 No. 19

(1) A Tribute to Mothers

Thank God for mothers. Today, we specially remember their influence in our lives. We remember their love, care and nurturing. The Bible teaches us in the fifth commandment to honour father and mother (Ex. 20:12 cf. Eph. 6:3). This is the first commandment pertaining to human relations and the only commandment with promise of blessing.

Exodus 20:12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

Lord’s Day, Vol. 2 No.19Keeping the fifth is foundational to keeping the rest of the commandments. Steve Cole observed well, “If we truly honour our parents, we will not disgrace their name by becoming a murderer, by being unfaithful to our marriage vows, by stealing, by lying, or by the greed and discontent underlying covetousness. The keeping of the Fifth Commandment also works back toward the first four. If we are rebellious and disrespectful toward our parents who gave us life and sustenance, we will also probably be rebellious and disrespectful toward the Lord God, our creator and sustainer. Disrespect toward parents and God will also carry over into disrespect for all authority, and thus will result in a breakdown of law and order, leading to a disintegration of the very basis for civilized society. Thus the keeping of the Fifth Commandment is not some outmoded, quaint idea to be set aside without consequence.”1

May the Lord help children honour their parents for His glory by giving respect, love, care and giving of our time. Amen.

(2) Charity rejoiceth not in iniquity

(1 Corinthians 13:6a)

True biblical love or charity does not condone sin. It abhors and grieves at the outworking of sin in this fallen world. The word “iniquity” simply means a disregard for God’s divine laws. It means to act unrighteously and lawlessly. True biblical love is not happy to see ourselves or others living in sin. There is that holy hatred or anger at sin. It is able to discern truth from error, right from wrong, holy from profane. It rejoices in the truth, in doing right and in holiness. It is the gracious work of the Holy Spirit that one bears forth this fruit of righteousness in his heart. It rejoices in starving every sin that seeks to frustrate the work of grace in a Christian’s life. It rejoices in the beauty of holiness. Our Lord Jesus says in Matthew 24:12 that in the days prior to His Second Coming, “… iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” True biblical love will be a rare commodity in this world because iniquity will multiply and fill the earth. The Christian who lives in these last days is a remnant amidst the flood of sins that threaten to overwhelm this world. Homosexuality is fast catching on to become a legalized alternate life-style in many countries. It is this sin that sent God’s wrath raining on Sodom and Gomorrah in times past. History is repeating itself. Indeed, judgment is coming. The Christian separates himself from such sin as Abraham did by removing himself from these places of sin. The undiscerning Christian in the person of Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom and gradually found himself in Sodom before finally sitting at the gates of Sodom. Lot thought he could out maneuver sinners and gain a carnal profit in Sodom but he had his soul vexed by all the sinfulness around him. Lot was not abounding in biblical love. His uncle Abraham prayed repeatedly for God’s mercy to spare Sodom and Gomorrah if there were even ten righteous men, knowing that his nephew and family were living there. Lot and his two daughters escaped but his wife was turned into a pillar of salt for looking back.

Dear readers, how is your spiritual life? There are Christians who enjoy gambling. There are Christians who enjoy drinking. There are Christians who enjoy the pleasure of sin for a season. Do you seek such pleasures too? God forbid! Will you not love God’s Word more than the world? Will you not pray for and speak to that brother or sister who is indulging in sin to help him or her out of it? Will you have the courage to say “no” when sinners entice you? There is a need for such moral courage in such a time as this! It is my prayer that where iniquity abounds, God’s love much more abounds in your heart. May we be discerning to call sin, sin, and choose to not rejoice in sin! God has his remnants today as in Elijah’s time. May we not be discouraged by the overwhelming debauchery around us but continue steadfast in holiness. Amen.

1 http://www.fcfonline.org/content/1/sermons/051296M.pdf

Yours lovingly
Pr Lek Aik Wee