What a greeting! God’s unmerited favour continues to manifest its presence in your life. It is through God’s grace that the Apostle Paul is sent to Corinth and counselled to stay on by our Lord Jesus. Not pleasant for the mission team to contend with the enemies of the faith. They are placed in harm’s way. Physical dangers of imprisonment, caning and even stoning.

The church of God at Corinth is blessed with the preaching of the gospel by the Apostle Paul. It was the will of God that he was sent to preach the gospel in Corinth. God caused souls to be saved. Their lives made holy. Jesus stilled the heart of the Apostle Paul to tarry in the city to confirm the faith of the new converts. He stayed for a year and a half. The systematic teaching of God’s Word sanctifies the hearts of the hearers to conform to the image of Christ. What a blessing to see the believers’ growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.