1 Corinthians 12:22, Those Members Which Seem To be More Feeble are Necessary

1 Corinthians 12:22 Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:

William MacDonald observed insightfully, “Some members of the body … seem to be weaker than others. The kidneys, for instance, don’t seem to be as strong as the arms. But the kidneys are indispensable whereas the arms are not. We can live without arms and legs, or even without a tongue, but we cannot live without heart, lungs, liver, or brain. Yet these vital organs never put themselves on public display. They just carry on their functions unostentatiously.”

The Lord makes in His sovereign and infinite wisdom the miracle of the human body. And He breathes into the man and he becomes a living soul. The man whom God created has the imprint of the living God. The man is to reflect in his life the praise and glory due to His Creator. The church, the body of Christ, consisting of many members, endowed with diverse gifts for God’s honour and glory.

May the members of the church fulfil the blessed part they have been wonderfully endowed to bless the body and bring praise and honour to God’s Name. Amen.