1 Corinthians 12:19, If They Were All One Member

1 Corinthians 12:19 And if they were all one member, where were the body?

William MacDonald observed well, “It is impossible to think of a body with only one member.”

He further observed insightfully, “So the Corinthians should remember that if they all had the gift of tongues, then they would not have a functioning body. Other gifts, though less spectacular and less sensational, are nonetheless necessary.”

It is God through the Holy Spirit that gives gifts and the diversity of gifts reflect the diversity needed for a fully functioning body. It is, therefore, needful to observe that God knows how to allocate gifts by His infinite and perfect wisdom to the smooth function of the body.

May the Lord strengthen and bless the members of His body with the sacred exercise of their spiritual gifts for His honour and glory. Amen.